Polarpelagic is the personal website of Dr. Joseph J. (Jose) Torres, Professor Emeritus at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science and long-time researcher on the physiology and ecology of pelagic life, particularly that of Antarctic waters. At the present stage in its life, polarpelagic will serve as an archive of publications, the projects that generated them (including photos), and the students and colleagues that formed the research teams. You will experience time-travel here: we will be starting with the most recent pubs and projects, moving back in time to the oldest. Thanks to Mr Joel Bellucci, web wizard and graduate of the Marine Science Physiology Lab for making the website a reality. Jose’s Curriculum Vitae can be viewed by CLICKING HERE. |
The new pelagic, physiology textbook by Jose Torres and Thomas Bailey is now available! CLICK HERE to find out more and get a 20% discount. |