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- Torres, J.J., D.L. Gluck, and J.J. Childress. 1977. Activity and physiological significance of the pleopods in the respiration of Callianassa californiensis (Dana) (Crustacea:Thalassinidea). Biol. Bull. 152: 134-146. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J., B.W. Belman and J.J. Childress. 1979. Oxygen consumption rates of midwater fishes as a function of depth of occurrence. Deep-Sea Research 26A: 185-197. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J., J.J. Childress and L.B. Quetin. 1982. A pressure vessel for the simultaneous determination of oxygen consumption and swimming speed in zooplankton. Deep-Sea Research 29: 631-639. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J., and J.J. Childress. 1983. Relationship of oxygen consumption to swimming speed in Euphausia pacifica. I. Effects of temperature and pressure. Mar. Biol. 74: 79-86. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J. 1984. Relationship of oxygen consumption to swimming speed in Euphausia pacifica. II. Drag, efficiency, and a comparison with other swimming organisms. Mar. Biol. 78: 231-237. || READ ARTICLE
- Alldredge, A.L., B.H. Robison, A. Fleminger, J.J. Torres, J.M. King, and W.M. Hamner. 1984. Direct sampling and in situ observation of a persistent copepod aggregation in the mesopelagic zone of the Santa Barbara Basin. Mar. Biol. 80: 75-81. || READ ARTICLE
- Morris, M., G. Gust and J.J. Torres. 1985. Propulsion efficiency and cost of transport for copepods: A hydromechanical model of crustacean swimming. Mar. Biol. 86: 283-295. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J. and J.J. Childress. 1985. Respiration and chemical composition of the bathypelagic euphausiid Bentheuphausia amblyops. Mar. Biol. 87: 267-272. || READ ARTICLE
- Wolf, S.H., R.W. Schreiber, L. Kahana and J.J. Torres. 1985. Seasonal, sexual, and age-related variations in the blood composition of the Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 82A: 837-846. || READ ARTICLE
- Ainley, D.G., W.R. Fraser, C.G. Sullivan, J.J. Torres, W.O. Smith and T.L. Hopkins. 1986. Antarctic pack ice structures mesopelagic nektonic communities. Science. 232: 847-849. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly, J. and J.J. Torres. 1988. Oxygen consumption of midwater fishes and crustaceans from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Biol. 97: 483-494. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J. and G.N. Somero. 1988. Vertical Distribution and Metabolism of Antarctic Mesopelagic Fishes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 90B: 512-528. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J. and G.N. Somero. 1988. Metabolism, enzymic activities and cold adaptation in Antarctic mesopelagic fishes. Mar. Biol. 98: 169-180. || READ ARTICLE
- Hopkins, T.L. and J.J. Torres. 1988. The zooplankton community in the vicinity of the ice edge, western Weddell Sea, March 1986. Polar Biol. 9: 79-87. || READ ARTICLE
- Lancraft, T.M., T.L. Hopkins and J.J. Torres. 1988. Aspects of the ecology of the mesopelagic fish Gonostoma elongatum (Gonostomatidae, stomiiformes) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 49: 27-40. || READ ARTICLE
- Lancraft, T.M., J.J. Torres and T.L. Hopkins. 1989. Micronekton and macrozooplankton in the vicinity of the Antarctic ice edge zone. Polar Biol. 9: 225-233. || READ ARTICLE
- Widder, E.A., S.A. Bernstein, D.F. Bracher, J.F. Case, K.R. Reisenbichler, J.J. Torres, and B.H. Robison. 1989. Bioluminescence in the Monterey submarine canyon: image analysis of video recordings from a midwater submersible. Mar. Biol. 100: 541-551. || READ ARTICLE
- Gartner, J.V., JR., P. Steele and J.J. Torres. 1989. Aspects of the distribution of lanternfishes (Pisces:Myctophidae) from the northwestern Sargasso Sea. Bull. Mar. Sci. 45: 555-563. || READ ARTICLE
- Hopkins, T.L. and J.J. Torres. 1989. Midwater food web in the vicinity of a marginal ice zone in the western Weddell Sea. Deep-Sea Res. 36: 543-560.. || READ ARTICLE
- Aarset, A.V. and J.J. Torres. 1989. Cold resistance and metabolic responses to salinity variations in the amphipod Eusirus antarcticus and the krill Euphausia superba. Polar Biol. 9: 49l-497. || READ ARTICLE
- Stickney, D.G. and J.J. Torres. 1989. Proximate composition and energy content of mesopelagic fishes from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Biol. l03: l3-24. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly, J., J.J. Torres, T.L. Hopkins and T.M. Lancraft. 1990. Proximate composition of Antarctic mesopelagic fishes. Mar. Biol. l06: l3-23. || READ ARTICLE
- Erdman, R.B., N.J. Blake, and J.J. Torres. 1991. Oxygen consumption of the deep-sea crabs Chaceon fenneri and C. quinquedens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 99A: 383-385. || READ ARTICLE
- Lancraft, T.M., T.L. Hopkins, J.J. Torres and J. Donnelly. 1991. Oceanic micronektonic/macrozooplanktonic community structure and feeding in ice covered Antarctic waters during the winter (AMERIEZ l988). Polar Biology 11: 157-167. || READ ARTICLE
- Ainley, D.G., W.R. Fraser, W.O. Smith Jr., T.L. Hopkins, and J.J. Torres. 1991. The structure of upper level pelagic food webs in the Antarctic: effect of phytoplankton distribution. J. Mar. Sys. 2: 111-122. || READ ARTICLE
- Pfeiler, E., J. Donnelly, J.J. Torres, and R.E. Crabtree. 1991. Glycosaminoglycan composition of tarpon and ladyfish leptocephali. J. Fish. Biol. 39: 613-615. || READ ARTICLE
- Rau, G.H., T.L. Hopkins, and J.J. Torres. 1991. 15N/14N and 13C/12C in Weddell Sea invertebrates: implications for feeding diversity. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 77: 1-6. || READ ARTICLE
- Brown, S.D., T.M. Bert, W.A. Tweedale, J.J. Torres, and W.J. Lindbergh. 1992. The effects of temperature and salinity on survival and development of early life stage Florida stone crabs (Menippe mercenaria Say). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 157: 115-136. || READ ARTICLE
- Rau, G.H., D.G. Ainley, J.L. Bengtson, T.L. Hopkins and J.J. Torres. 1992. 15N/14N and 13C/12C in Weddell Sea birds, seals, and fish: implications for diet and trophic structure. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 84: 1-8. || READ ARTICLE
- Hopkins, T.L., T.M Lancraft, J.J. Torres, and J. Donnelly. 1993. Community structure and trophic ecology of zooplankton in the Scotia Sea marginal ice zone in winter. Deep-sea Res. 40: 81-105. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly, J., D.G. Stickney, and J.J. Torres. 1993. Proximate and elemental composition and energy content of mesopelagic crustaceans from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Biol. 115: 469-480. || READ ARTICLE
- Hopkins, T.L., D.G. Ainley, J.J. Torres, T.M. Lancraft. 1993. Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biol. 13: 389-397. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly, J, Torres, JJ, Hopkins, TL, Lancraft, TM. 1994. Chemical composition of Antarctic zooplankton during austral fall and winter. Polar Biol. 14: 171-183. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J., A.V. Aarset, J.Donnelly, T.L. Hopkins, T.M. Lancraft, and D.G. Ainley. 1994. Metabolism of Antarctic micronektonic crustacea as a function of depth of occurrence and season. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 113: 207-219. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J., J. Donnelly, T.L. Hopkins, A.V. Aarset and D.G. Ainley. 1994. Proximate composition and overwintering strategies of Antarctic micronektonic crustacea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 113: 221-232. || READ ARTICLE
- Bailey,TG, Torres, JJ, Youngbluth, MJ, Owen, GP. 1994. Effect of decompression on mesopelagic gelatinous zooplankton: a comparison of in situ and shipboard measurements of metabolism. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 113: 13-27. || READ ARTICLE
- Hopkins, TL, Flock, ME, Gartner, JV Jr, Torres, JJ 1994 The structure and trophic ecology of a low latitude midwater decapod and mysid assemblage. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 109: 143-156. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly, J, Torres, JJ, Crabtree, RE. 1995. Proximate composition and nucleic acid content of premetamorphic leptocephalus larvae of the congrid eel Ariosoma balearicum. Mar. Biol. 123: 851-858. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, J.J., Brightman, R.I., Donnelly, J., Harvey, J. 1996. Energetics of premetamorphic larval red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. Part I. Oxygen consumption, nitrogen excretion, and specific dynamic action. Fishery Bulletin U.S. 94: 756-765. || READ ARTICLE
- Brightman, RI, Torres, JJ, Donnelly, J, Clarke, ME. 1997. Energetics of premetamorphic larval red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. Part II. Growth and biochemical indicators. Fishery Bulletin U.S. 95: 431- 444. || READ ARTICLE
- Torres, JJ (1998) Review of Deep-sea Fishes. Fish Physiology Vol 16. Copeia, 998, No. 3. 805-806. || READ ARTICLE
- Greely, T.M., J.V.Gartner, and J. J. Torres. 1999. Age and growth of Electrona antarctica (Pisces: Myctophidae) the dominant mesopelagic fish of the Southern Ocean. Marine Biology 133: 145-158. || READ ARTICLE
- Bishop,RE , Torres, JJ. 1999. Leptocephalus energetics: metabolism and excretion. Journal of Experimental Biology 202: 2485-2493. || READ ARTICLE
- Burghart SE, Hopkins, TL, Vargo,GA, Torres, JJ. 1999. Effects of a rapidly receding ice edge on the abundance, age structure, and feeding of three dominant calanoid copepods in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 22: 279-288. || READ ARTICLE
- Lu Y.T., Blake, N.J., Torres, J.J. 1999. Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of larvae and juveniles of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians concentricus (Say). Journal of Shellfish Research 18: 419-423. || READ ARTICLE
- Lu Y.T., Blake, N.J., Torres, J.J. 1999. Biochemical utilization during embryogenesis and metamorphosis in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians concentricus (Say). Journal of Shellfish Research 18: 425-429. || READ ARTICLE
- Ikeda T, Torres,JJ, Fernandez-Leon J, Geiger, SP. 2000. Chapter 10, Metabolism, pps. 455-532, In: Zooplankton Methodology Manual, RP Harris, PH Wiebe, J Lenz, HR Skjoldal, and M Huntley, Eds., Academic Press, London. || READ ARTICLE
- Bishop, R.E., Torres J.J., Crabtree R.E. 2000. Leptocephalus energetics: chemical composition and growth indices. Marine Biology 137: 205-214. || READ ARTICLE
- Geiger, S.P., J.J. Torres and R.E. Crabtree. 2000. Air breathing and gill ventilation frequencies in juvenile tarpon, Megalops atlanticus: responses to changes in dissolved oxygen, temperature, hydrogen sulfide, and pH. Environmental Biology of Fishes 59: 181-190. || READ ARTICLE
- Geiger, SP, Torres JJ, Donnelly, J. 2000. The effect of the receding ice edge on the condition of midwater fishes in the Northwestern Weddell Sea: results from biochemical assays with notes on diet. Marine Biology 137: 1091-1104. || READ ARTICLE
- Bishop, R.E., Torres J.J. 2001. Leptocephalus energetics: Assembly of the energetics equation. Marine Biology 138: 1093-1098. || READ ARTICLE
- Geiger, SP, Torres JJ, Kawall HG. 2001. The effect of the receding ice edge on the condition of copepods in the northwestern Weddell Sea. Hydrobiologia 453/454: 79-90. || READ ARTICLE
- Marine Zooplankton Colloquium. 2001. Future marine zooplankton research – a perspective. Marine Ecology Progress Series: 222: 297-308. || READ ARTICLE
- Kawall, HG, Geiger, SP, Torres, JJ . 2001. The effects of the ice edge bloom and season on the metabolism of copepods in the Weddell Sea. Hydrobiologia 453/454: 67-77. || READ ARTICLE
- Kawall, HG, Torres, JJ, Sidell, BD, Somero, GN. 2002. Metabolic cold adaptation in Antarctic fishes: evidence from enzymatic activities of brain. Marine Biology 140: 279-286. || READ ARTICLE
- Tolley SG, Torres, JJ. 2002. Energetics of swimming in juvenile common snook (Centropomus undecimalis). Environmental Biology of Fishes 63: 427-433. || READ ARTICLE
- Hofmann, EE, Klinck, JM, Costa, DP, Daly, KL, Torres, JJ, Fraser, WR. 2002. US Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics Program. Oceanography 15: 64-74. || READ ARTICLE
- Ackley, SF, Bengtson, JL, Boveng, P, Castellini, M, Daly, KL, Kooyman, J, Laake, J, Quetin, LB, Ross, R, Siniff, DB, Stewart, BS, Stirling, I, Torres, J, Yochem, PK. 2003. A top-down multidisciplinary study of the structure and function of the pack ice ecosystem in the eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Record 39: 219-230. || READ ARTICLE
- Bishop RE, Kakuk, B, Torres JJ. 2004. Life in the hypoxic and anoxic zones: metabolism and proximate composition of Caribbean troglobitic crustaceans with observations on the water chemistry of two anchialine caves. Journal of Crustacean Biology 24: 379-392 || READ ARTICLE
- Moline MA, Karnovsky NJ, Brown Z, Divoky GJ, Frazer TK, Jacoby CA, Torres JJ, and Fraser WR. 2008. High Latitude Changes in Ice Dynamics and Their Impact on Polar Marine Ecosystems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1134: 267–319. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly J, Torres JJ, Sutton TT, Simoniello C. 2004. Fishes of the eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 27: 637-650. || READ ARTICLE
- Lancraft TM, Hopkins TL, Robison, BH, Reisenbichler K, Torres JJ. 2004. A krill dominated micronekton and macrozooplankton community off Croker Passage, Antarctic, with an estimate of fish predation. Deep-Sea Research II 51: 2247-2260. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly J, Kawall HG , Geiger SP, Torres JJ. 2004. Metabolism of Antarctic micronektonic Crustacea across a summer ice edge. Deep-Sea Research II 51: 2225-2245. || READ ARTICLE
- Hofmann EE, Wiebe PH, Costa DP, Torres JJ. 2004. An overview of the southern ocean global ocean ecosystem dynamics program. Deep-Sea Research II 51: 1921-1924. || READ ARTICLE
- Hofmann EE, Wiebe PH, Costa DP, Torres JJ. Co-editors. 2004. An overview of the southern ocean global ocean ecosystem dynamics program. Deep-Sea Research II 51 (17-19). || READ ARTICLE
- Scolardi, KM, Daly, KL, Pakhomov, EA, Torres JJ. 2006. Feeding ecology and metabolism of the Antarctic cydippid ctenophore Callianira antarctica. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 317: 111-126. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly, J, Sutton, TT, Torres, JJ. 2006. Distribution and abundance of micronekton and macrozooplankton in the NW Weddell Sea: relation to a spring ice-edge bloom. Polar Biology. 29: 280-293. || READ ARTICLE
- Burghart SE, Hopkins TL, Torres JJ. 2007. The bathypelagic Decapoda, Lophogastrida and Mysida of the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology 152: 315-327. || READ ARTICLE
- Donnelly J, Torres JJ. 2008. Pelagic fishes in the Marguerite Bay region of the Western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf. Deep-Sea Research II 55: 523–539. || READ ARTICLE
- Hofmann EE, Wiebe PH, Costa DP, Torres JJ. 2008. Introduction to dynamics of plankton, krill, and predators in relation to environmental features of the western Antarctic Peninsula and related areas: SO GLOBEC Part II. Deep-Sea Research II 55: 269–270. || READ ARTICLE
- Tartarotti B, Torres JJ. 2009. Sublethal stress: Impact of solar UV radiation on protein synthesis in the copepod Acartia tonsa. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 375 (2009) 106–113. || READ ARTICLE
- Burghart SE, Hopkins TL, Torres JJ. 2010. Partitioning of food resources in bathypelagic micronekton in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 399: 131-140. || READ ARTICLE
- Judkins, HL, Vecchione M, Roper CFE, Torres JJ. 2010. Cephalopod species richness in the wider Caribbean region. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 1392-1400. || READ ARTICLE
- Cullins T, DeVries, AL, Torres JJ. 2011. Antifreeze Proteins in Pelagic Fishes from Marguerite Bay (Western Antarctica). Deep–Sea Research II, 58: 1690-1694. || READ ARTICLE
- Parker ML, Donnelly J, Torres JJ. 2011. Invertebrate micronekton and macrozooplankton in the Marguerite Bay region of the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-Sea Research II, 58: 1580-1598. || READ ARTICLE
- Ombres EH, Donnelly J, Clarke ME, Harms JH, Torres JJ. 2011. Aerobic and Anaerobic Enzyme Assays in Southern California Rockfish: Proxies for Physiological and Ecological Data. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 399: 201-207. || READ ARTICLE
- Hofmann EE, Wiebe PH, Costa DP, Torres JJ. 2011. Introduction to Understanding the linkages between Antarctic food webs and the environment: a synthesis of southern ocean GLOBEC studies. Deep-Sea Research II, 58: 1505-1507. || READ ARTICLE
- Hofmann EE, Wiebe PH, Costa DP, Torres JJ, Co-editors. 2011. Introduction to Understanding the linkages between Antarctic food webs and the environment: a synthesis of southern ocean GLOBEC studies. Deep-Sea Research II, 58 (13-16). || READ ARTICLE
- Walker R.A., Hallock P., Torres J.J., Vargo, G.A. 2011. Photosynthesis and respiration in five species of benthic foraminifera that host algal endosymbionts. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 41: 314-325. || READ ARTICLE
- Broadbent H.A., Ketterl T.P., Silverman A.M., Torres J.J. 2012. Development of a CTD biotag: Challenges and Pitfalls. Deep-Sea Research II 88-89: 131-136. || READ ARTICLE
- Saba GK, Schofield O, Torres JJ, Ombres EH, Steinberg, DK. 2012. Increased feeding and nutrient excretion of adult Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, exposed to enhanced carbon dioxide (CO2) PLOS ONE: 7 (12) e52224. || READ ARTICLE
- Martinez E, Menze ME, Torres JJ. 2013. Mitochondrial Energetics of Benthic and Pelagic Antarctic Teleosts. Marine Biology 160: 2813-2823. || READ ARTICLE
- Henry L.V., Torres J.J. 2013. Metabolism of an Antarctic solitary coral, Flabellum impensum. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449: 17-21. || READ ARTICLE
- Suprenand PM, Jones DL, Torres JJ. 2015. Distribution of gymnosomatous pteropods in western Antarctic Peninsula shelf waters: influence of Southern Ocean water masses. Polar Record 51: 58-71. || READ ARTICLE
- Suprenand PM, Ombres EH, Torres JJ. 2015. Metabolism of gymnosomatous pteropods in waters of the western Antarctic Peninsula during austral fall. Marine Ecology Progress Series 518: 69-83. || READ ARTICLE
- Quintana-Rizzo E, Torres JJ, Ross SW, Romero I, Watson K, Goddard E, and Hollander D. 2015. Changes in δ13C and δ15N in deep-living fishes and shrimps after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 94: 241-250. || READ ARTICLE
- Tyler-Jedlund AJ, Torres JJ. 2015. Age, Growth, and Reproduction of the Littlehead Porgy, Calamus proridens, from the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science 91: 101-123. || READ ARTICLE
- Agostini, C., Patarnello, T., Ashford, J.R., Torres, J.J., Zane, L., Papetti, C. 2015. Genetic differentiation in the ice-dependent fish Pleuragramma antarctica along the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Biogeography. 42: 1103-1113. || READ ARTICLE
- Parker, M.L., Fraser, W.R., Ashford, J., Patarnello, T., Zane, L., Torres, JJ. 2015. Assemblages of micronektonic fishes and invertebrates in a gradient of regional warming along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Marine Systems 152: 18-41. || READ ARTICLE
- Martinez E, Hendricks E, Menze MA, Torres JJ. 2016. Physiological performance of warm-adapted marine ectotherms: Thermal limits of mitochondrial energy transduction efficiency. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 191: 216-225. || READ ARTICLE
- Mintenbeck, K., Torres, J.J. 2017. Impact of climate change on the Antarctic silverfish and its consequences for the Antarctic ecosystem. In: Vacchi M, Pisano E, Ghigliotti L (eds) The Antarctic silverfish. A keystone species in a changing ecosystem. Advances in Polar Ecology 3: 253-286. || READ ARTICLE
- Martinez E, Torres JJ. 2017 Energetics of the Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarctica, from the Western Antarctic Peninsula. In: Vacchi M, Pisano E, Ghigliotti L (eds) The Antarctic silverfish. A keystone species in a changing ecosystem. Advances in Polar Ecology 3: 149-171. || READ ARTICLE
- Ashford, J., Zane, L., Torres, J.J., La Mesa, M., Simms, A. 2017. Population structure and life history connectivity of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) in the Southern Ocean ecosystem. In: Vacchi M, Pisano E, Ghigliotti L (eds) The Antarctic silverfish. A keystone species in a changing ecosystem. Advances in Polar Ecology 3, 193-234. || READ ARTICLE
- ROMERO, I. C., SUTTON, T. T., CARR, B., QUINTANA-RIZZO, E., ROSS, S. W., HOLLANDER, D. J. & TORRES, J. J. 2018. Decadal assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesopelagic fishes from the Gulf of Mexico reveals exposure to oil derived sources. Environmental science and technology 52, 10985-10996. || READ ARTICLE